

Contact Us

My boutique firm is tailored to the needs of the individual and the small business owner.

Income Tax Preparation

  • Individual Returns

    I help you find all of the deductions that you are entitled to.

  • S-Corporations

    This is a favorite for companies with just a few owners.

  • C-Corporations

    Sometimes referred to a “regular corporation”.  If you need a year end other than December 31. Then this is the choice for you.

  • LLC

    This is a relatively new entity, the limited liability company.  It provides you protection from creditors and the flexibility of a partnership.

  • Partnership

    Less common now than the LLC, but a partnership sometimes fits your specific business needs.

  • Trusts

    Many people have established living trusts.  After they are gone, the trust will need to file its own tax return.

  • Estates

    The estate tax, sometimes called an inheritance tax, is a concern for high net worth clients.

Business Services

  • Setting Up Your Business

    Which type of company is best for you?  An S-corporation, a C-corporation, or an LLC?  I can help you decide which fits your business model.

  • Bookkeeping

    You want to focus on your business.  It’s what you do best.  Let me help you keep track of the income and expenses.

  • Bank Reconciliations

    An important part of the bookkeeping process, the bank reconciliation is another task I can assist you with while you run your business.

  • Payroll Tax Filings

    As your business grows, you hire employees.  I can help with the often tedious requirements of payroll tax returns.

  • Sales Tax Filings

    I will help you track your sales and file the sales tax return.


  • Income Tax Planning

    Selling your home, your business, or your rental property?  Let me guide you through the best approach to minimize the taxes.

  • Estate Planning

    If your net worth is approaching $5 million, let’s sit down and make sure your heirs get your hard-earned money and not the government.

  • Personal Financial Planning

    Working with an experienced stockbroker, I will assist you with a personalized investment strategy that includes income tax planning.

  • Advice when Someone Passes Away

    Has someone you love passed and appointed you trustee or executor?  Let me walk you step by step through this often difficult process.

  • Assistance with Bill Paying

    Do you know someone who needs help making sure the bills get paid, either for his business or even his household expenses?  I can help.

324 N. San Dimas Ave.

San Dimas, CA. 91773

Email: troy@tkscorp.com

Phone: (909) 305-1762

Fax: (866) 202-3079